
hope you find this helpful if you're hooked on
something unhealthy. Perhaps sharing what I went through
in the '80s might shed some light on your situation.
One of
the many reasons I relocated to
Los Angeles was the
non-smoking policy in public places and businesses
across the board (and
they're getting tougher/saner). Second-hand
smoke, the stuff that comes out the burning
end, is MORE lethal to those who breath it
because it's filtered by
neither the
fibre thing stuck on the other end, or the
lungs which spew it back into the environment
and other people's lungs.

I kicked
cigarettes - nicotine addiction - au naturel all by myself, long before the
helpers we have today; patches, gums and pills were just a pipe dream then. How I did it 'cold turkey' might be endemic
other substance
use problems and
useful to you or someone you care about.
Early and mid-80, early disco club mania New York City, I was fully aware that cigarette smoking was
just about the dumbest thing a so-called bodybuilder could
do to him/herself ... I still
smoked. While I was training,
or jogging or disco boogieingall I could think
about was the next drag. Super Dumb.
I put
my analytical mind to work, researched the common knowledge
to date and the printed factoids. No internet, just libraries, magazines, books. Thus, began an all-new, all-vital self-empowerment mode - it was powerful then, it still is today.
I kept a journal
noting my mental and emotional state
when I really needed a fix, the time, the place,
the situation,
my mood, what piqued the urge. Often it was my
stupid job, my ass of a boss, the noisy neighbor next
door, the cab that
splashed my good pants, realized I'd been short-changed ...
you know what I mean.
The journal
verified some good stuff: seems I needed a nicotine fix before, during and after
everything: before morning
coffee, with morning
coffee, after morning coffee, before breakfast,
after breakfast, before lunch, after lunch,
before and after snacks,
instead of snacks, around both sides
of dinner, sex, work, play, study, reading,
drinking, doing
sleeping ....
not at all selective. Obviously I was dealing with
addiction, pure and simple. Damn!
cold turkey was pure hell on wheels, you really
know bad you're hooked then and how powerful the addiction is. They say it's
as hard to kick as heroin. Fucking
HEROIN, man! No wonder!
tried parsing out the
day's coffin nails, just 10 at first, scheduling them like medicine, cutting
a few, staving off
the urge
as long as possible while
NOT keeping a stash of extra packs hidden from myself, purposely
myself to go out
to buy another,
trashing the cute lighters
and ashtrays, eliminating my chimney 'friends', getting out of
bed in
the dead of night to go to the corner for yet
another sad pack of smokes. I'd
snub the fuckers out half-way burned, I just
smoked twice as many
half-cigarettes. More expense,
more denial.
Switching to low-tar
brands was bull, again I
just smoked more of 'em. Smoking
pot just exacerbated the
deal. Eating was no substitute. Shit, this
I put
a dollar in an envelope for every pack I bought, raising
cost of
my habit two-fold
more. That slowed me down only slightly.
acupuncture would have helped, or hypnosis.
At least I was taking steps forward to get
a handle on it - admitting
a problem is half the solution. That much felt great and right-on.
But there was NO magic bullet then. No helpers or quick fixes.
'quitting' yet again for a day or two, a week or three,
several months over and over again I always fell back to many sticks per day, piece of cake to go back to a pack or two daily.... Each time I 'quit' I announced proudly "It's
been 2 days, 3 hours and 22 minutes since my last cigarette".
What I was doing wasn't enough, not hitting the
core, the source of the problem.
I tried
therapy -
sniffing butts and ashes from a covered jar before and ideally instead
of lighting up. Yuck! But my two best buds smoked, most
of NYC did then. They were huge factors weighting the
Apparently, I wasn't digging deep enough. Every chemical addiction is monitored
by some function of the brain, right? Synases and receptors that fire or misfire, accept a substance or reject it. Couldn't nicotine be turned off or
inactivated volunatarily, cognitively? The mind is incredibly powerful. Couldn't it be re-programmed or nullified altogether?
ADDICTIONS AND ALLERGIES. Could you be addicted to the very foods and beverages you're allergic to? It is very possible and very likely. Read more in the book.
There's more in the book...

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