" Excellent content and wise advice."
– Dr. Octavio Vallejo,
Medical Science Liaison,
Sciences, Inc.
"I've always wanted to find someone I could use
as a
role model for my future. You're da man! Wow, what an
incredible body. Thanks for the motivation.
I'm 47 and want to look like you when I grow up." –Chris
From another Steve, here are his inspiring before-and-after pictures, he lost 165 pounds over three years time following
the principles
of The
Kitchen. Way to go, Steve!
Thanks for the wealth of FREE and priceless information, you are
blessed. Thanks man.– DL
"I found your website loaded with
good information and I have applied your principles to my diet and
have noticed a change
in just four days. You have good information for what to do outside
the gym - thanks. I have worked out for years, but learned most of
from muscle magazines, which is not often the best plan. Your story
gave me serious motivation. Your helpful hints have changed
my diet a great deal. I am eating more, but
the pounds are coming off and the muscle is showing, just by
keeping control of my carbs. Thanks."
– Clarence, Baltimore Police
wanted to let you know, my doctor was REAL surprised about my blood pressure for my age. So was I: 110/60; due to your diet. Thanks. –Clarence, Baltimore Police
Hey Steve,
I have begun reading your book and I have already decided to adopt your Rules That Rock and follow your advice in Simple Food Combining. Since I like to eat a lot of fruit, this separation of different "fuels" sounds like something I gotta do right away. Also, lately I have been eating 2 or 3 oranges in one sitting so now I know that's a huge error I need to address. Lots of small meals sounds good to me. I always feel fat after a big meal when my stomach sticks out from the bloat. Smaller meals don't do that.
I totally encourage you to continue your nutrition teaching because I know there are more HIV+ body builders like me who could really benefit from your advice. Your story is really similar to mine: first giving up and ready to die and then changing my mind when I was given another chance. I believe that our universe is gay bodybuilder friendly and will be on our side and help us if we do the footwork together.
Thanks again.–Ted
Hey Steve,
I really like your website. I came across it on your Big Muscle
page. Lots of helpful info. Much of it I already subscribe
to. You scared me on
a couple
of fronts though. I already watch my tuna intake, but I think I will
never buy Solid White again! You have made a chunk light man out of
me. Also,
I was not aware that the protein bars were so bad for you. I probably
only have one
or maybe two a week (at most). Sometimes I also eat them as snacks
on road trips. I will really rethink them though, and I'll
probably limit
my intake.
Thanks for the helpful info. I look forward to studying your info on
food combinations too. – Bill
"I am 5'11'', 175lbs and I
lift 4-5 times a week. I also run about 17-20 miles a week. I try
to do yoga once a week too. Some
think I am nutty for
all the exercise I do, but I like the way it makes me feel. I like
the physical results too. I eat pretty well, but I admit I have a sweet
and I do crave pasta and dark meat at times. Your photos are total
inspiration. You look fierce! Thanks for sharing your pics and all
your fitness knowledge.
Keep up the great work! Okay, off to run! Take care!"– Anthony
I just visited your site and wanted to say how inspired I am. I just started
to rein in on my weight, committed to eating healthier (sugars, etc.)
and redevelop some muscle tone--difficult after 50, I've noticed. So,
your achievement
here gives me just the reality check I needed. I'm committed to a 15
week time frame and will re-evaluate then."
– Rick
Been taking some of the advice on Muscle Kitchen to get leaner. You've
inspired me. Hope all is well. – Joe
Mr. Perkins,
I want to thank you for all the wonderful
information you're sharing for the benefit of others like me. At
36 and HIV+, I thought it might be too late to make lifestyle changes.
I thought I had missed my chance at getting in shape and having a healthy,
muscular physique. Then I saw your pictures and read the
info on your site–and it's fantastic! You're a true inspiration--I'm
going to print out your picture and tack it up on my refrigerator.
I only hope to look as great and sexy as you do.–
Hey Buddy: I have to thank you for the great info on your
website ref. kitchen - diet. I really appreciate you taking the time
to help
others. Best to you always.–Mark
Your book is my bible now.
I ignore my Zone Diet book.
Take care guy.– Ted F.
In six-and-a-half weeks, I've lost 11.2
lbs.! I've followed the hydration advice on your web site. All
I drank last week was water - and plenty of it. No sugary sodas
or sodium laden diet sodas. No coffee or decaf at all
- whether in the mornings or at restaurant meals. Only water. I still have a long way to go, and probably will never
have a body as good as yours, but your informative and motivating website
is a great
help. All the best to you. – Roger
You're an inspiration and a gift :) – Tom
I came across one of your videos on YouTube and listened to your story which was truly inspiring. At 59 I had double hernia surgery and the three months that followed were particularly difficult in the healing process. I lost 25 pounds which I have managed to avoid getting back! I started weight training and made some headway but kept having a variety of miscellaneous injuries. I am just now starting with a personal trainer to reset my training and nutrition program.
This brings me to your site. I just finished reading everything on your Muscle Kitchen site and will share this with my trainer this evening. I find myself fascinated and enthused to get into that kitchen and experiment with your recipes and kitchen philosophy. Cooking has always been one of my hobbies so I am extremely interested in what will develop in this arena. My wife has always been an advocate of low-fat cooking and making certain we have plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables but I was not aware of how food combinations can interact. I thank you for all the work you have done and appreciate the fact you have chosen to share it so generously.–
P.S., I just turned 61 and intend to develop as ripped a physique as you possess. Thanks for setting the bar in that area, too! (Ap. 29, '08)
Thank you for sharing TheMuscleKitchen.com. Great info for a lazy old lug like me: especially "addictions" (smoke is leading me to pushing around an oxygen tank--inevitable if I don't quit now, today). Me--stupid behavior. I will be using circular breathing starting now. LOL and a BIG HUG. –
Roger D (May '08)
Just wanted to say thank you for telling your story. Your before and after pictures give me hope. I have a type of auto-immune disease that affects my thyroid and adrenals. I used to be 180 lbs. of muscle but then my health went south; I am currently 135 lbs. and emaciated. Honestly, I didn't think a man could recover from being so emaciated but your site gives me hope. Now, I think all I’m lacking is the nutrition guidance that I can get from your book. Thank you again for sharing your story. –R. Gardner