It can be UNSAFE (or at least UNWISE) to
mix food types - food groups - within the same meal with reckless abandon. Even some
aren't aware of this.
To meet the digestive requireds of
different types of foods, the digestive tract uses different secretions
adjusting degrees
of acidity and alkalinity; sequencing and timing come into play
too, in a big way.
TMK© Food Combining Mantra:
Fewer number of food types combined within a meal yields less
chance of digestive conflict, inflammation, flatulance with better odds
of thorough
The best
case scenario is eating ONE food type at a time, totally
separated by a couple hours from another food type. Of course that's extreme. For
a bad example in the other direction take fruit juice after stuffing down a baked
potato with sour
and butter; this
is a very complex situation
to deal
tries very hard to cope and manages to a minor degree, but repeated
assaults like this take their toll in very dramatic ways ...
usually later in life when all the organs are wearing
out, you suddenly get an infection or virus and you're systemically
weak. WHAM big hospital
bills. Yes, you should be very scared, my friend. AND this is
going to make
building muscle and strengthening your immune system soooo much
Different foods are digested differently.
Starchy foods require an alkaline digestive medium which is supplied
in the mouth by the enzyme ptyalin.
Protein foods require an acid medium for digestion-hydrochloric acid, but
that does NOT mean it's preferred to combine fruit with flesh protein (pineapple
chicken, orange glazed ham).

Any student of chemistry knows acids – yin
foods and bases (alkalis) – yang
foods neutralize each other when
put together because they are opposites. If you eat a starch with
a protein (i.e., pasta with meat sauce), digestion is impaired or completely
arrested! The undigested food mass can cause digestive disorders.
Undigested food becomes fodder for bacteria which ferment and decompose - the by-products are essentially poisonous. One major by-product is alcohol,
a narcotic that destroys or inhibits nerve function. It plays
havoc with nerves of the digestive tract, disturbing vital actions
and often resulting in constipation! ("Food
Combining Made Easy," Dr. Herbert M. Shelton)
Chart courtesy of Dr. Darrell
L. Wolfe, Ac, PhD and The Wolfe Clinic
When acids are combined with starches
(i.e., Mandarin orange slices in pastry, apples or raisins in a tossed green
salad), the digestion of the starch is suspended. If breads or cereals
or potatoes are eaten with berries or with citrus fruits, or with
other acid-bearing foods, the digestion of these starches is delayed.
If those words confuse you, just think "stuff putrefying in your stomach" when
you mix food types irrationally. ("Hygienic
Review," Dr. Herbert M. Shelton)
Protein and starches together is a mess!
When protein hits your gut the enzyme pepsin is automatically secreted
attempting to begin breaking down the fiber into usable elements.
With starches in there too, complex carbs, digestion is inefficient,
absorption inadequate.
What really works (and the author is real
world proof) is SIMPLE FOOD COMBINING, that's how our
ancestors HAD to eat
and that's how we're gentically wired. Please endeavor to go this
route. You'll be amazing at the results.
RESOURCES/REFERENCE: "Alkalize or Die" Dr. Theodore A. Baroody; "The pH Miracle" Robert O. Young, PhD; "Your Body's Many Cries for Water" F. Batmanghelidj, MD;

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The Muscle Kitchen. All Rights Reserved.